Waiver and Assumption of Risk

This agreement, henceforth referred to as "Waiver", between Customer and HomePros, is put in force by choice and signature of Customer.

I voluntarily sign this Waiver and Assumption of Risk in favor of all HomePros personnel, in consideration for the opportunity to use the HomePros videos and/or the opportunity to receive instruction from HomePros personnel, and/or engage in activities sponsored by HomePros, as follows:

I am fully aware of and appreciate the risk of injury associated with the participation of workout videos and any physical activity demonstrated and practiced on this platform. I agree that HomePros Owner, Staff and Trainers shall not be liable for injury as a result of my participation of activities before, during, or after sessions. I understand that HomePros, as well as any staff member or trainer, is not responsible for providing insurance for anyone participating in HomePros practices. I assume full financial responsibility for any bodily injury, property damage, or death that may occur due to my participation in activities related to HomePros workouts.

I fully assume the risks involved as acceptable to me, and I agree to use my best judgment in undertaking these activities and follow all safety instructions.

I am a competent adult and I assume these risks of my own free will.